A recent article from the New York Times shows that the American opinion on gay marriage has turned favourable recently with a slight increase on the speed of change in the last 3 years.
This increase of change is common in such progressive changes, happening in a S-shaped rhythm. A similar phenomenon occurred in Portugal on the topic of violence over children back in the 80's. Before it was common for parents and teachers to use violence as a consistent method of education.
This S-shaped phenomenon means that there are some early adopters that slowly show a different opinion from the mainstream. At a certain point, the entire society starts changing at a very high rate, until it slows down as a few late adopters insist on maintaining their old habits. This is what happens usually, obviously with exceptions. In some cases, inversions are normal.
What is odd about the case presented in the article about gay marriage in USA, is that the S only took shape around 50%. Usually this happens somewhat between 10% and 30%.
I see two logic explanations for this difference. The first is about the specificity on the thematic, which afects directly more than 10% of the population that has a lot to gain with this aceptance.
The second and most significant is the size of the USA, and the diferences between liberal and conservative states. If such a study had been made in each state independently we would certainly observe the S shape begining at 20% or 30%. Also, if we look at states individually some of them would have a very high rate of acceptance, where others oppose strongly.
This happens because making oppinions is a social experience, and although we all like to think that we make our own oppinions, someone who doesn't take other's oppinions in consideration can't be considered healthy.
Better means of communication improve and acelerate this social process of changing oppinions. Internet allows constant and intensive communication between citizens from different states and countries. This adds steepness to the S-shape, making it happen in lesser time.
quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2011
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